The Planner & Advisor Ecosystem: Scaling Estate Planning to Every Client


April C. Rosenberry, JD, LL.M. in Taxation

Director of Estate, Tax, and Financial Planning, Signature Estate & Investment Advisors, LLC

Thomas Pontius, CFP®

Senior Financial Planner, Kayne Anderson Rudnick

Daniel Brockley

Director of Content Marketing, Vanilla



April C. Rosenberry, JD, LL.M. in Taxation

Director of Estate, Tax, and Financial Planning, Signature Estate & Investment Advisors, LLC

Thomas Pontius, CFP®

Senior Financial Planner, Kayne Anderson Rudnick

Daniel Brockley

Director of Content Marketing, Vanilla

May 29, 2024
1 hour

For wealth management firms of all shapes and sizes, offering estate planning services for your clients is a proven way to grow your business and build long-term relationships. 

Often, advisors are in the perfect position to initiate estate planning conversations, but lack the knowledge, confidence, or resources to do so. 

In this on-demand webinar, planners share how they enable and empower advisors to initiate estate planning conversations with clients, including: 

  • Providing educational resources and learning opportunities
  • Optimizing certain internal systems for better efficiency and scalability
  • Implementing technology that supports advisors, clients, and the entire firm

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