Growing your business with estate planning: Part 1

Andrew Westlin
Senior Financial Planner at Betterment

Andrew Westlin
Senior Financial Planner at Betterment
Thanks to innovators in the advisory space like Betterment, advisors are able to leverage technology to deliver a better experience to more clients. As the landscape continues to evolve, advisors are expected to deliver something technology cannot — a three-dimensional view of your clients’ finances, life and death included. Talking about what happens to one’s financial legacy upon death is an emotional conversation that requires trust and humanity. Fortunately, as the advisor, you’re in the best position to advise a client on their entire financial picture and how planning decisions impact other parts of their family’s finances.
In part one of Vanilla’s Growing Your Business with Estate Planning series, Andrew Westlin at Betterment and Steve Lockshin at Vanilla sit down to discuss the basics of estate planning, why it matters, and how advisors can provide differentiating value through estate planning and grow their business, all while deepening their relationships with clients and prospects.