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Gifting & Charitable Strategies
Patrick Carlson
Product Counsel, Vanilla
Daniel Blake
CEO, UI Charitable Advisors
Patrick Carlson
Product Counsel, Vanilla
Daniel Blake
CEO, UI Charitable Advisors
In estate planning, gifting and charitable funds can serve many purposes: not only are they a way to impart assets to beneficiaries like charities and family members, they can also be mechanisms for reducing income and estate taxes for the giver.
In this webinar with Vanilla and UI Charitable Advisors, you’ll learn approaches to charitable giving, non-charitable gifting, Donor Advised Funds, annuities and more that allow clients to meet their tax and planning goals while benefiting their chosen people and causes.
Topics covered in the webinar include:
- The different types of charitable strategies, and the benefits of incorporating them in estate planning
- What to know about non-charitable gifting, including annual exclusions, lifetime exemptions, and 529 plans
- How Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) work, and how to incorporate them in an estate planning strategy