Tech firm Vanilla sweetens its estate planning platform
Vanilla, a leading estate planning software provider, has enhanced a key piece of its platform to provide a better experience for advisor users.
At the firm’s biannual virtual event, Legacy Now, the financial advisors, attorneys, and planners in attendance became the first to know about the new features for its Vanilla Document Builder.
The expanded features within the Vanilla Estate Advisory Platform include the ability to directly get in touch with top legal experts through an attorney engagement package. That offering is being launched in partnership with Accelerant Law, who will work directly with clients to build plans that fit their family and financial situation.
“Vanilla is playing a critical role in our ability to take our expertise and deliver it to clients across the spectrum of wealth,” Dana Foley, founder and partner at accelerant law said in a statement, praising the firm’s ability to “leverage technology to deliver sophisticated planning at scale.”
Users can now also obtain financial and medical powers of attorney for adult children through a new document creation package, which ensures that all legal documents comply with state laws and reflect the current wishes regarding the adult children’s care in cases of incapacitation.
Read more: Tech firm Vanilla sweetens its estate planning platform
[Leo Almazora, Investment News]
Published: Apr 24, 2024
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