Category: Estate Planning
Apr 07, 2023
Communicating Between the Lines: Using Letters of Wishes to Guide Trustees
When it comes to estate planning, there’s no substitute for having the right core legal documents drafted, and ensuring they align with your clients’ wishes. But no matter how carefully estate planning documents are drafted, it’s impossible to anticipate every eventuality – and, the truth is, life often moves faster than clients do when it comes to updating their documents. One great way to bolster an estate plan against the unexpected, and to help trustees make decisions in accord with client expectations, is through letters of wishes. What is a letter of wishes? A letter of wishes is simply a...
Daniel Brockley
Mar 15, 2023
The Advisor’s Advisor: Michael DiFiglio uses his experience at Ayco & Goldman Sachs...
Creating a truly remarkable product is rarely one person’s doing. It takes a team of smart, talented, dedicated folks to make it happen – a diversity of experience and perspectives. At Vanilla, we have a crack team of product designers and engineers who have brought our platform to life and continue to evolve it and make it better. But in addition to dialing in our tech, we need to always keep tethered to the realities of the finance industry – to the needs of advisors and attorneys – and their clients. That means that we all spend a lot...
Mar 08, 2023
11 Common Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid
These common estate planning mistakes could leave your clients vulnerable to unintended consequences such as probate, loss of assets in a divorce, and avoidable estate tax liability. Financial advisors can help their clients avoid the 11 most common estate planning mistakes listed below. #1 Not updating estate planning documents regularly Some clients may think that creating an estate plan is a one-and-done proposition, but you should review and update your client’s estate plan with them when they experience any of the following: Major life events: Your client’s estate planning documents should reflect significant milestones, such as having a child, getting...
Daniel Brockley
Mar 02, 2023
Process Matters: Why “bespoke” is not enough when it comes to estate planning
Part I in a series of 3 on The Vanilla Estate Planning Playbook. Talk to any financial advisor out there, and you’ll hear a common refrain: Sure, we do estate planning. The thing is, what advisors mean when they say they do estate planning varies wildly. For many, doing estate planning simply means asking clients if they have basic documents in place, such as a Will, trust(s), healthcare directive and power of attorney. If the client has docs, the financial advisor moves on to other matters like investments. If they don’t, they refer the client to an estate attorney...
Feb 28, 2023
What is a pour-over will? The essentials financial advisors and their clients need...
Once a client has their last will and testament (“will”) and revocable trust created, their financial situation doesn’t just stand still. More often than not, a client’s financial situation will fluctuate throughout their life. A pour-over will brings added security to an estate plan–making room for all of those potential life changes–by allowing for new and unaccounted assets to automatically transfer to a previously set up revocable trust. This helps keep up with asset changes between times when your client updates their will and trust. What is a pour-over will? A pour-over will is a last will and testament that...
Feb 14, 2023
What is a spousal lifetime access trust (SLAT), and how does it work?
A Spousal Lifetime Access Trust (“SLAT”) is an irrevocable trust set up by an individual (the “donor”) during his or her lifetime for the benefit of the individual’s spouse and if, desired, other family members. How does the SLAT Work? A SLAT is created under a trust agreement, which contains the terms of the trust and the name of the individuals or entity that will act as trustee (typically a trusted friend or advisor). A SLAT is funded by way of a gift from the donor to the SLAT. During the donor’s lifetime, the trustee can make distributions to...
Feb 09, 2023
What is probate, and how can you make it easier for clients?
When it comes to estate planning, “probate” is a term that looms large. You might hear talk of the complexity of probate, or strategies for avoiding probate — but what exactly is it? Put plainly, probate is the legal process that occurs after a person’s death. In probate, the court recognizes the validity of a Last Will and Testament (a “Will”) and appoints a personal representative for the decedent’s estate. The representative – also known as an executor or administrator – pays the decedent’s debts and then distributes the remaining assets to the beneficiaries. Though probate is simple to define...
Daniel Brockley
Feb 02, 2023
Top 7 gifting strategies for estate planning
In 2021, Americans gave a whopping $484.85 billion to charities, a 4% increase from 2020. And that doesn’t account for gifts to family and friends outside of official charity organizations. Simply put, gifting is a huge part of our economy. Our guide provides a great refresher for advisors, and can also be given to clients to help educate them on their options when it comes to giving. Why consider giving? People choose to give for a variety of reasons, but there are two primary drivers that gifting has become such an important part of people’s lives (and their financial plans)....
Jan 26, 2023
What is an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT)?
Estate planning presents a significant challenge when substantial assets could face hefty taxation after death. Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts (ILITs) offer a strategic solution as specialized legal vehicles designed to own life insurance policies during your lifetime. By keeping insurance proceeds outside your taxable estate, these trusts help beneficiaries avoid the steep 40% federal estate tax that would otherwise diminish their inheritance. ILITs serve dual purposes by either creating immediate liquidity for families or preserving estates by covering tax obligations without forcing the sale of illiquid assets. Business owners, real estate investors, and families approaching the federal estate tax threshold...