Vanilla Essentials Package

Understanding the key features of the trust package

Vanilla Document Builder is a full-cycle planning experience that allows clients to design and build their core documents.

The Essentials Package from Vanilla is designed to protect your clients’ families by ensuring they have the critical documents needed for unexpected medical and financial situations. This package includes a Health Care Advance Directive (HCAD), Financial Power of Attorney (FPOA), and HIPAA Disclosure, providing peace of mind and comprehensive protection.

With the Essentials Package, you can quickly and easily equip your clients with these vital documents, enhancing your role as a trusted advisor who goes beyond financial planning to care for their overall well-being. Setting up the Essentials Package takes only minutes, delivering substantial value with minimal effort.

For further clarification on definitions of key terms, visit the glossary.

Use cases for the essentials trust package

The Essentials Package includes a Health Care Advance Directive (HCAD) that allows users to appoint an agent for medical decisions if they are unable to make decisions for themselves. This document provides clear guidance regarding their end of life medical care preferences during emergencies.

The Financial Power of Attorney (FPOA) in the Essentials Package authorizes a trusted individual to manage your client’s financial affairs if they become incapacitated. This ensures that their financial matters are handled smoothly without court intervention.

With the HIPAA Disclosure document, clients can specify who has access to their medical information. This is crucial for ensuring that their medical records are only shared with trusted individuals, protecting their privacy and enabling informed decisions during healthcare emergencies.

The Essentials Package is designed for efficiency. It takes only minutes to set up, making it a convenient solution for advisors and clients alike, while still providing comprehensive protection and peace of mind.

Definitions of key terms in our trust package:

A legal document that allows an individual to outline their preferences for medical care in case they become unable to make decisions for themselves. This directive can include specific instructions about life-sustaining treatments they do or do not want and can appoint a healthcare proxy to make decisions on their behalf. The HCAD ensures that the individual’s preferred agent is able to make decisions during a healthcare emergency.

A legal document that grants a trusted individual (known as the agent) the authority to manage financial matters on behalf of the individual (the principal) who created the document. This authority can include managing bank accounts, paying bills, handling investments, and more. The FPOA is particularly useful if the principal becomes incapacitated, ensuring that their financial affairs are handled smoothly without requiring court intervention.

A document that allows an individual to specify who can access their protected health information. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) sets strict rules on who can view or share a person’s medical records. By signing a HIPAA Disclosure, the individual gives explicit permission for healthcare providers to share their medical information with designated persons, ensuring that their healthcare decisions are well-informed and that their privacy is protected.